Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Tale of Two Girls

We just returned from a week at the beach.

Sophie loves the beach and everything about the beach. This was an historic year, because it was the first year that we could let her run around without having to worry that she was going to dive headfirst into the ocean.

Elisabeth is new to the beach. This was an historic year because it was her first time ever visiting it. This was also her first ever vacation. (As if ten-week-olds actually need a vacation.)

Sophie spent all her time on the beach running around in the surf and playing in the sand.

Elisabeth spent all her time on the beach in this tent.

We went to Broadway at the Beach, which has a little amusement park. Sophie rode the airplanes...

the Ferris wheel...

and the choo-choo train.

Elisabeth rode the stroller.

One of these days, these two girls will get to run around the beach together and ride the rides together.

I can't wait.