Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Love a Parade

This is not the Big Update Post that I've been promising myself I was going to do, but I was going through my pictures from Christmas and found these. And I felt the need to share.

This is the stable for our nativity. You will notice that it is empty. Where is the rest of the nativity, you ask?

They're all here. Because nothing says Christmas quite like a parade.

Heading up our Christmas Nativity Parade is the baby Jesus. (Acting as Grand Marshal, I guess?) He is flanked by two sheep. Or perhaps they are pushing him along the parade route.

Following baby Jesus in our parade are the wise men. When I started collecting this nativity set (it's Fontanini, by the way), I loved these wise men because of the different animals they are riding. Little did I know how appropriate the horse, camel, and elephant would be down the road when the nativity turned into a parade.

Bringing up the rear in our parade are Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. The DVD case that they're standing on is, appropriately, Santa Claus is Coming To Town. We accept all Christmas traditions here.

And here we have the parade designer. We feel like she has a future in the business. Can you imagine the Macy's Parade in her hands?


  1. 1. Congrats on updating your blog before a full 6 months went by.

    2. Sophie sure would have given Noah a run for his money.

    3. That's not a DVD case, that's their float.

    This is hilarious. I laughed outloud reading it.

  2. Oh my gosh! I cannot stop laughing! That is priceless and I'm so glad you posted it. I gotta say, I'm a little relieved that there's more than one of them out there. :) I especially love how she grouped all of the animals together.
