Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Every year on Christmas Eve our church has a "Family" service where the kids do a pageant. Our pastor, Jim Kallam, calls this service "Organized Chaos." That about sums it up.

Her first year in the pageant was 2007. She was a sheep. This year, she was promoted (by virtue of the fact that she turned four) to angel.

Here we are in the dressing room before the show. She's practicing her angel moves. They will be non-existent by the time the pageant starts.

Here are Mary and Joseph. As you can see, they've arrived at the stable. Take a good look at them now-- soon they'll be obscured by approximately 3,500 angels, shepherds, and sheep, all clamoring for the spotlight.

And here are the shepherds and the sheep, obscuring the view of Mary and Joseph. This picture reminds me of the scene in "Charlie Brown Christmas" when the Peanuts gang surrounds the sad little Christmas tree and decorate it to within an inch of it's life. I sort of expected that when the shepherds and sheep stepped away, the manger would be strung with colored lights.

The angels arrive on the scene. Now it's time to play "Can You Spot Sophie in This Picture?" Take a good look.

How about now?

I'll give you a hint.

Ahh, that's better. And look how happy she is! She's smiling! She's "in the moment!" She's... she's...

Uh oh. This doesn't look good.

Aaaaaand... she's gone.

Now she's hiding behind the other children as they sing. I have it on good authority that while this song was going on, she was doing an Oobi puppet show that could only be seen from backstage.

This picture has nothing to do with my story. But how often do you get to see a group of angels doodling on a marker board?

Here's a video of the pageant. You can see Sophie at the 5:41 mark.

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