Friday, October 30, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Catching up on posts today! Whee!
Here she is, ready for her first day of Kindergarten. Or as Sophie likes to call it, "Big School."

I got her this "Getting Ready for School" chart. It really does help to keep her on task in the morning. Each box represents something she has to do, like "Get up on time" and "Eat breakfast." As she completes each task, she moves the square from the red column to the green column. When all six tasks are done, she gets a star for the day. When she got all her stars for the first week, she earned a prize. Hey, whatever works!

Here is her school! It's only a few years old and it's very nice.

Here is Sophie with the class pet, Chub Chub. He's a Chinese Pygmy Hamster. (Why do I always want to put a "p" in hamster?)

Sophie loves her some Chub Chub.

And here she is, settled in at her table with her first-ever Kindergarten assignment. It was a big day for a big girl!

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